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Published On: Sat, Jan 28th, 2012

Letter: My protocols, methods and example

By: William Warren, Las Vegas, Neveda.

What I have been trying to convince the Occupy Las Vegas group of people is that we need to set-up a flash mob type collection of people that will take actions on the fly. Like when the congress was talking about inserting the anti-Constitutional provisions into the NDAA we should have mail mobbed and phone mobbed all the office holders with a unanimous voice of disapproval; and, we should have been persistent enough that their office would have had no other outlets for communication; and, that their officers would have been tied up with so much “Do Not Tread on the Constitution” that they could not perform any other procedures until this atrocity was removed from their thinking.

The way we can do this is by setting up a communications system. This communication system can be done by phone, email, facebook, twitter and any and all the social medias, Google+ included.

We need to set up a phone bank. With a phone bank we can inform the people of the events unfolding around them. We would keep tabs on who voted for what laws and who was sponsoring those laws. We would keep tabs on who wrote the provision into the laws that we should be so concerned with. We would use the phone bank to let everyone know the truth; and, to let every know that an action is needed to correct the mis-justices. I have a lot of experience with phone banks and I know they are powerful and they work. I would be able to find the funding needed for the phone bank; i have experience with this also. The phone bank cost money in the phones and the connection system and in the service to provide the communications. This is an on-going effort to keep a phone bank running. The phone bank needs volunteers to man the phones on a continuous basis. It would take many people volunteering 2 hours a week to make it happen. So far, I have had no one volunteer any time or respond with any kind of a gesture to let me know what they think of the idea. This has been the mentality at Occupy Las Vegas. Occupy LV is a bit more receptive. About the phone bank, I would be able to bring in donations so the operators would have food and drink; but, all else would have to be voluntary.

We have to establish protocol to keep the group directed and to prevent US from acting in unproductive manners. Half of US believe that we need to be apolitical. I am one of those. The other half does nothing but promote candidates and talk politics. They actually hold the entire Occupy Las Vegas down. They bicker amongst themselves for hours without any productivity. They are so self absorbed in their efforts they do not try to be receptive to what others are telling them.

I also try to help other learn how to analysis what they hear in the media and from the politicians. This seems to be the one thing that everybody opens their ears to. Most people are confused by all the lies they hear. They need training on how to understand what they are being told. I like to tell them that it is more important to understand the reason why someone is telling you something rather that to listen to what they are saying to you. Everybody has a reason for saying what they do. It is our obligation to ourselves to ask our self:

“what is the reason they are telling me what they are saying?”

“Do they speak of there own thoughts or are they just repeating what they have heard?”

“Do they have a reputation for clear unbiased thinking?”

First, most people when telling you anything have their own interest in mind. You have to keep this in the back of your head as you listen to them. The reasons vary as to what each individual regards as important to themselves. For some in is a selfish gain; they are only concerned for themselves. For some, they are acting emotionally to something they have been told; they are repeating what they have heard. They then expound the details of their shock, of what they feel is a moral outrage or a personally inflicted injustice for one of two reasons. They want to cast light on the “Bad people”; and, the ones that react this way behave to return harm to the “Bad People” in some manner if it is only to demean their foe; these type do not work to help people but to harm: these are the type of people that portray Obama as a monkey or a Muslim; but, they have no basis in there statements. (Please, understand that I am describing an example and not advocating Obama in any way. ) Then there are others that will act to try to protect others from falling victim of the situation; and, these type of people spend a lot of energy posting article and trying to get you to read something they have read; but, none of them have actually done enough research to be able to narrate or commentate on the topic and write about it in their own words. If you have a public dialog with them they will become frustrated in their response because they will not be able to relate to you what they are really understanding.

For either of these kinds of people they have a lack of discipline to take the time to make sure they truly understand the situation. They often are lead as puppets by people that know their personality types and how to exploit them. We as Occupy have to be careful of this and not let that type of thinking become part of our entity as it has in some instances. We must work to refine our judgment process.

For instance,

I also try to help other learn how to analysis what they hear in the media and from the politicians. This seems to be the one thing that everybody opens their ears to. Most people are confused by all the lies they hear. They need training on how to understand what they are being told. I like to tell them that it is more important to understand the reason why someone is telling you something rather that to listen to what they are saying to you. Everybody has a reason for saying what they do. It is our obligation to ourselves to ask ourself:

“what is the reason they are telling me what they are saying?”

“Do they speak of there own thoughts or are they just repeating what they have heard?”

“Do they have a reputation for clear unbiased thinking?”

First, most people when telling you anything have their own interest in mind. You have to keep this in the back of your head as you listen to them. The reasons vary as to what each individual regards as important to themselves. For some in is a selfish gain; they are only concerned for themselves. For some, they are acting emotionally to something they have been told; they are repeating what they have heard. They then expound the details of their shock, of what they feel is a moral outrage or a personally inflicted injustice for one of two reasons. They want to cast light on the “Bad people”; and, the ones that react this way behave to return harm to the “Bad People” in some manner if it is only to demean their foe; these type do not work to help people but to harm: these are the type of people that portray Obama as a monkey or a Muslim; but, they have no basis in there statements. (Please, understand that I am describing an example and not advocating Obama in any way. ) Then there are others that will act to try to protect others from falling victim of the situation; and, these type of people spend a lot of energy posting article and trying to get you to read something they have read; but, none of them have actually done enough research to be able to narrate or commentate on the topic and write about it in their own words. If you have a public dialog with them they will become frustrated in their response because they will not be able to relate to you what they are really understanding.

For either of these kinds of people they have a lack of discipline to take the time to make sure they truly understand the situation. They often are lead as puppets by people that know their personality types and how to exploit them. We as Occupy have to be careful of this and not let that type of thinking become part of our entity as it has in some instances. We must work to refine our judgment process.

For instance,

The NDAA had provision written into it that are contradictory to the Constitution. Many people started acting stupid about the situation and blaming Obama for the provisions because he signed the bill. Not a one of those people stopped to ask or say out loud “Who wrote the anti-Constitutional provisions into the NDAA” If you ask me that is what Occupy is for exactly. We need to keep tabs on who is writing such detrimental policy into our laws and let every one know that these criminals need to be removed from office. Also, as an acting group Occupy could have been involved with a stronger presence to convince the members of Congress not to allow those provision to pass the floor; but, we were not there; because we are still disorganized. I am trying my best to end that and make sense of who we are and what we do and do not do. And those people that were so distraught with the NDAA went out and acted in the name of Occupy against Obama. This became political which I am deeply against.

Politics run deeper than any of the novice activist can imagine. For instance, the people that wrote those provision into the NDAA had their own agendas in mind when they did that. First, the ones who wrote these anti-American provisions want them to become established as a practice in our government. These same people are fighting to remove the justices from around the country so there will not be any one there to contest this in the courts. Also, these same people are pushing for judicial reform that will establish a judicial review before the legislature. This is unprecedented. There is a reason for this being unprecedented; and, that is because, the founding fathers had experienced what happens when there is a judicial review. What happens is if the Legislature questions a judge to ask that judge why they determined against the law; and the legislature does not agree they can pull the judge off the bench permanently instead of changing the law. This leads to in imbalance of powers. The founding fathers did not foresee that the reason for drafting the Constitution the way it had been done would ever be forgotten or questioned; and, so they neglected to make sure that the balance of powers was established as a permanent protection in the Constitution. So today there are a group of individuals that want to contest the judiciary branch’s existence and the way it is set up; and, change it for their benefit against US.What this lead us to is that they have achieved the first writings into laws to upset the balance of powers thus removing the protections we have as US citizens under the Constitution. They then placed these provisions into the NDAA daring Obama not to sign it. The NDAA is the National Defense Authorization Act. It has been enacted for 49 years now. Once every year the legislature has to set aside the money to fund the troops. This is what the NDAA does. Obama told them he would veto such a bill; but, in the end he could not; because, that would have left the troops unfunded and made Obama look like a traitor to the country. This is the nature of politics.

Now, some of our group took it way out of context and blamed Obama for this atrocity. They marched across Las Vegas and the rest of the country yelling “Obama Bad”. Instead justice would have been to chastise the authors of those anti-American provisions. But, they did not know better. Also, they did not foresee that the ones that drafted these provision are from a group of highly educated individuals that knew many many people would not understand the intricacies of the politics and would march against Obama if he does sign the bill or if he doesn’t. So, Imagine, there is Obama, knowing that people are being turned into rubes whether he signs or vetoes the bill. What was he to do. He did the best he could. He signed the bill; so that, the troops would not go one day without funding and support knowing that the miscarriage will be corrected once it enters the courts. Under the direction of the Constitution all laws eventually make the way to the Supreme Court to be challenged as to their Constitutional existence. This is the way it works. Some of of US know this. Some of US do not and act in fear. Sure, there will be injustice done to many good citizens before the provisions are struck out of the law by the courts.; and, that is a shame; but, that is the way it is done.

So now back to the understanding I was describing about the way We the People as Occupy need to control ourselves; and, that is to not allow ourselves to be used as pawns. One sure way to do that is to remain apolitical.

Displaying 3 Comments
Have Your Say
  1. vvvpr says:


    Help UNDO NDAA by Petitioning your State Supreme Court for a Protective Writ of Habeus Corpus like this one:

    You do not have to be a lawyer to file this petition, but attorneys are certainly welcome to step up!

  2. I could barely read the first paragraph, is there a subject of this letter? Sounds more like two old women arguing over who danced with who and both are just throwing anything and everything out in the open.

  3. The NDAA only goes to further stifle our Constitutional Rights without the approval of the Americans, just as the Patriot Act was adopted WITHOUT public approval or vote just weeks after the events of 9/11. A mere 3 criminal charges of terrorism a year are attributed to this act, which is mainly used for no-knock raids leading to drug-related arrests without proper cause for search and seizure. The laws are simply a means to spy on our own citizens and to detain and torture dissidents without trial or a right to council. You can read much more about living in this Orwellian society of fear and see my visual response to these measures on my artist’s blog at

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Letter: My protocols, methods and example