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Published On: Thu, Feb 9th, 2012

South Dakota Tribe suing Beer Distributors

Should the world largest Native American tribe, The Navajo Nation file a lawsuit as well?

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Weekly Edition | Feb. 9, 2012 | By: NPStaff

 Oglala Sioux Tribe taking action or a political stunt?

It was reported from the Journal Star in South Dakota that The Oglala Sioux Tribe  is suing the beer distributors and manufacturers serving the stores of the community of Whiteclay near Pine Ridge.

Over the years, Native Americans in that area have suffered the effects of alcoholism and could be a beginning of other Native Americans Tribes following this lawsuit.

The tribe’s lawsuit was filed Thursday in the U.S. District Court of Nebraska.

Certainly, Some community members in the Navajo Nation and other Native Tribes will have a debate over the legality of the lawsuit and the effects it could have on the Oglala Sioux Tribe.

Some  would argue it has been long over due for American Beer Distributors and makers to pay back the Native American Tribal members who have suffered the effects of alcoholism and some will say it is time for people to accept some personal responsibility-Indeed the debate will continue. read more here

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  1. The alcohol companies aren’t forcing American Indians to go into bars or convenience stores to purchase these products. The individuals are making the choice to do so themselves. It’s called personal responsibility, something no one today wants to be held accountable for. If anything, this is a waste of valuable tax payer money that could be going to paying police officers to stop and arrest the bootleggers. Everyone knows who they are, but protect them.

    • Chris says:

      Could not agree more Gerrick…PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY! The only way this could be made to be the beer companies fault is if White Clay was a dry county and they were selling the beer to the stores..THEN and only then does it become their fault. As far as the person who had 17 DUI’s and killing the young man…my heart breaks for his family, BUT, that fight is with the justice system,judges,and lawyers. The beer companies certainly did not force that person to drink and get behind the wheel of a car….17 different times. Again…PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY .

  2. NDN tgurl says:

    As a recovering addict, I look back on all the money that I spent on alcohol everyday from the store to the bars for over 15 years. There is more alcohol purchasing opportunities in the city compared to the rez, but I have noticed some of the bordertown bars are closing down, which is good, but the stores still operate by selling beer to tribal members. I hope this lawsuit will wake up other Tribes to really take into consideration the health concerns/effects of alcohol on tribal members. Props to Sioux for taking the 1st step, as other Tribes look on – looking forward to the outcome of the suit.

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South Dakota Tribe suing Beer Distributors